We are accepting new patients including Oregon Health Plan, Medicare and HealthShare patients. We are currently covered with most private insurers, accepting Motor Vehicle and Workers Compensation Claims as well.

Patient Rights and Responsibilities

Oregon Integrated Health posts our Patient Rights and Responsibilities at each of our clinic sites. You can also download it here or we can provide you a printed copy/emailed copy at our clinics. You may contact our Administrative Office at

Download Patient Rights and Responsibilities

OIH Privacy Practices

Download Form



We encourage patients to have records sent from their physician office to our office.

If you are requesting your own records from Oregon Integrated Health or require patient records from Oregon Integrated Health please complete this form and pay the $30 associated fee.

Release of Records to OIH

Release of Records from OIH

Medical Records Office

Phone: 506-972-0235 x 22319
Fax: 971.244.5372



Obtaining payment for health care services can sometimes be a daunting task. The “system” is extremely complex, with numerous health plan requirements, layers of government regulation, coverage issues, coinsurance amounts and rules about coordination of benefits. Navigating this web of requirements takes a partnership between you, your insurance company and Oregon Integrated Health.


We will:

  • Verify your eligibility for any services you request at Oregon Integrated Health.

  • Bill your health plan, automobile or workers’ compensation insurer for covered services before billing you (except for copays, coinsurance or deductibles known at the time of treatment).

  • Make reasonable efforts to obtain referrals, authorizations and pre-certifications from your health plan.

  • Communicate with you the information we have gathered on your health plan coverage and out-of-pocket responsibility.

  • Provide a payment plan – if you are uninsured or have large balances after insurance.

  • Conduct business with respect, care, teamwork, excellence and commitment to personal best.


We ask you to:

  • Provide us with your health plan information.

  • Know your insurance coverage and what your out-of-pocket expenses are.

  • Tell us when a service is to be covered by a party other than your health plan (for example, by automobile insurance or workers’ compensation).

  • Keep us and your insurer up-to-date with your choice of primary care doctor.

  • Keep us up-to-date with your personal information, including home address, employer information and telephone numbers or if your insurance plan changes.

  • Pay your copay when you check in for your appointment.

  • Promptly pay your coinsurance, deductible or other out-of-pocket responsibility.

Patients are responsible for paying charges that are not covered by insurance. Payment is due 30 days from the bill date indicated on the statement. We accept MasterCard, Visa, credit cards. You may pay online, in person at your appointment or by calling our billing office 866-972-0235 x 5


When making your appointment, please remember to provide the following information:

  • Your health, automobile or workers compensation insurer information.

  • Your home address and telephone number.

For your first appointment, please arrive 10 minutes prior to your appointment time:

  • Present your insurance card and Picture Identification.

  • Provide the front desk with any updates to your personal information.

  • Pay your co-payment. Please note OIH does not accept cash or personal checks



Oregon Integrated Health strongly encourages the use of interpreters for medical translation. Patients, however, may decline the use of free-of-charge interpreter services. If this occurs, the provider will document that the interpreter services were declined.

OIH Policy does not permit minors or family members to be medical interpreters for patients.

When you are registering or calling for an appointment, please make sure OIH staff are aware of your need for an interpreter and have record of your primary language. They will then coordinate efforts to ensure that a competent medical interpreter, fluent in English and your primary language, will be present for your appointment(s).

Generally, requests for appointments require 72 hours notice but may be expedited based on interpreter availability.



Please arrive 10 minutes prior to your appointment time with your paperwork already completed. This will help our staff to have you ready to see your physician on time. New patients must arrive to their first patient appointment 10 MINUTES prior to complete paperwork or have completed paperwork prior to appointment. You may be rescheduled without completed paperwork.

Our office will contact your insurance company to verify coverage and benefits. Please verify your coverage and that you are active on your health plan prior to your appointment. Co-payments, Co-insurance, Lab Payments and Deductible amounts are payable at the time of service. We accept,, Visa, MasterCard. Please note Oregon Integrated Health does not accept cash or checks. Late Appointments are considered if you arrive 10 minutes or more past your appointment. You will be asked to reschedule. We strive to see every patient as close to their appointment time as possible. We ask that you please be courteous of your provider’s valuable time and attention.

All “No Show” appointments are tracked within the patient’s medical record. There is a $50.00 fee attached to all “No Show” appointments subsequent to the first offense. Patient’s will receive a text message notifying of missed daily appointments. If you have pending future appointments these will be cancelled unless you confirm that you will be attending these appointments. Each patient is provided same day opportunity to reschedule. After three (3) missed appointments, the practice may at its discretion choose to discontinue your care. New patients that No Show to their first 2 appointments are discharged from the practice.


Access the OIH Patient Portal Here Weblink

1) What is available on the Patient Portal; Labs, Make Appointments, Contact your Provider, Diagnosis Codes, Care Plans

2) Response Times; 24-48 business day hours

3) Acute needs, Non-urgent needs, and Chronic care management - Please do not use the patient portal for Urgent or Emergency Items - All prescription refills please contact your pharmacy

4) OIH electronic platform has limited real-time translation or formatting capabilities although our Community Health Worker through in person or telemedicine may translate, interprete, or read to the patient all portal messages or communication. Make an appnt 503.972.0235 or email or SMS 503.972.0235

OIH is updating our portal in 2025 and will have improved patient portal features. Stay tuned

Oregon Integrated Health has been recognized as a Patient Centered Primary Care Medical Home since 2012. Our goal is to provide high quality primary care to our patients. We strive to integrate healthcare providers in our clinic that will improve your health and help you reach your healthcare goals.

Our Eugene Clinic and Portland Clinic are both Tier 4 PCPCH Clinics.

Download Patient Facts Here